Thursday, January 10, 2008

01/10 Larsen & Tourser Limited Tour

Upon our arrival, LT Limited provided us with one of the best lunches! Catered, expensive Indian food. One of the most memorable parts of this tour-besides the wooden elephant gift-was their department working on a cell phone game. An Indian LT engineer and programmer showed us the game he and his team were creating and my jaw dropped! This game had graphics and effects like those of N64 and PS2. And it was on a cell phone (if I recall correctly a Motorola)! Immediately, I thought about my $20 Nokia cell phone and three most basic games on it: Tetris, Pinball, and Zuma. Lame. In conclusion, good work American wireless handset corp for outsourcing your business function to one India's largest engineering and constructive conglomerates.
One of Friedman's statements from the chapter titled THE UNTOUCHABLES keeps lingering in my thoughts. Friedman quotes the famous analyst, David Rothkopf, in the following to clarify a point about outsourcing: "Most jobs are not lost outsourcing to India or China—most lost jobs are outsourced to the past."(Pg. 280) If only it were that easy to explain to those in America who have lost their jobs due to outsourcing...