Immediately after the fall semester, two of my friends from the program and I met two of my Chi Alpha friends in Dublin. The five of us had a blast walking the streets, touring different attractions, traveling to the West coast, and -most of all- cooking in the hostel! One the first day, we went to Trinity College and learned about The Book of Kells. Afterwards we decided to walk through a famous part of town (Temple Square) and watch a Christmas choir at Christ’s Church-Cathedral. The choir sang Christmas carols in Latin-absolutely beautiful! That night we made our first feast at the hostel: huge pasta dinner. The others staying at the hostel couldn’t figure out our generosity (offering our extras)…but by the third night they had it down (won’t hesitate to accept-hehehe).
The next day we toured the National Museum; and once our brains were fried from looking at art, we decided to hike to the other side of the city and tour the Guinness brewery! (Yes, I know the perfect antidote for a fried brain: beer…totally, joking!) Our day ended with another feast at the hostel.
Morning came so soon on the third day; the previous night the five of us decided to book train tickets to the West coast of Ireland. Since none of us had seen the country side of Ireland, we also decided that a bus tour would be the best way to hit up all the hot spots in the Galway-Cliffs of Mohr region. And, we were right! Our bus tour guide was AMAZING-not only incredibly knowledgeable but quite entertaining. He brought us to great historical spots; told us all kinds of stories; and taught us all kinds of things about the Irish culture. Everyone was always laughing and the restaurant he brought us had the best seafood chowder I have EVER had. (He definitely entertained all 15 of us on the tour.) Once the tour was over, the five of us made the long track back to Dublin (by train). And since it was our final night there, we hit up an Irish pub to listen to some folk music and drink some more Guinness. When my final day came, only Munson, Kelly, and I made it to St. Patrick’s Cathedral…then they wished me well and I was off to Madrid for a night…

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