The middle of November is here and the semester is coming to an end. I am always baffled by how fast time goes by…
Since my last post I made the goal to travel somewhere new-at least once-during the weekends; so, either weekend long trips or day trips. Last weekend my friends and I went to some roman ruins outside of the city called Italica. I had a blast! It reminded me of the Mexico Missions trip a few summers ago (Bethesda Crew, remember the Mayan ruins…anyways, ya’ll know what I am talking about).
Then, this weekend I went on a day trip with the school to a town called Ronda. Life there seemed so simple and peaceful. It is one of the most famous towns in Sevilla--- like, Orson Wells. Apparently he was friends with the town’s bullfighter and (I think this is his name) Ernest Hemingway felt inspiration from this town-meaning the guy wrote a book about it, or something. Anyways, the town was incredibly beautiful. The tour guide said a lot of honeymooners visit Ronda. So, for all you married couples out there, check out Ronda (and if you’re worried about not liking the food, they recently added a McDonalds).
School is going well. Learning another is such a process; but as my dad once shared with me, “…things that are really worth it are usually-never that easy…”Some days I feel like a pro and others I can’t understand...the question or the comment or how to respond…
My relationship with my intercambio is going so well. Esther is quite the gal; pictures of her---COMING SOON. My relationships with the other students have been going really well, too. In the middle of this month, I am going to Paris with a bunch of friends. I can’t wait. Other exciting traveling plans: after the program, my friend Stephanie and I are meeting up with Munson (and possibly Kelly) in Ireland! I don’t even know what is in Dublin-I just know that I bought a plane ticket and am going----so random! Then, right after that, I am going to AFRICA for Christmas! My close Chi Alpha friend, Emily knows a family in Tunis; and so the two of us are going to spend Christmas with that family. After the New Year’s traveling is still in the making; but I’ll keep you all posted…
Until next time, God bless you guys. Once again, thank you so much for all the prayers-comments-and emails…

You are going to Paris!!! That's so exciting! Wow Maleah! I can hardly believe all that is happening in your life. It's AMAZING! I love you lots! I will continue to pray for you... May God lead in all of the future decisions that you make. God bless!
~Always Kate
p.s. the pictures are amazing!
hei hei deary! so...i wanna chat w/ you soon! do you have skype? 'cause i want some more info on this most exciting trip to ireland! maleah! i miss you so much and it would be stinkin' awesome to travel w/ ya! so..i need to know when i should get my ticket and all that jazz. email me k? kelly.norge@gmail.com
tusan takk.(a thousand thanks)
Hey Mango! I need another post! ;-) Love you lots! How was your thankgiving???
~Always Kate
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